(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India)

Articles on Governance, Vigilance and Anti-Corruption

Competitors are our Friends, Customers the Enemy: Cartels, Corruption & WMD.

[What exactly is a Cartel? Modus operandi of Cartels. “Horizontal Agreements” and “Vertical Agreements”. Why are Cartels so dangerous? The contribution of Cartels in corruption and their impact on market economics.]

To Blow or not to Blow the Whistle?

[Role of Whistle Blowers in fighting corruption in country. Dangers faced by Whistle Blowers and available Legal provisions for their protection/safety.]

Exploring New Avenues of Revenue Augmentation: Stevedoring & Shore Handling Services in Ports.

[Historical overview of Legal & Regulatory framework in Stevedoring and Handling Services prevailing in Major Port Trusts, important dimensions of the New Stevedoring Policy of 2016, suggestions for designing an Optimal Royalty Model for Stevedoring and Handling Services at Ports.]

Farewell to Comptometer: The Machine that slowed the Process.

[Example of continuation of a World War-II era machine called Comptometer in bill processing of Kolkata Dock System, importance of identifying obsolete machine(s)/business process(es) that impede efficiency and customer satisfaction rather than improving them.]

Diving deep to explore the right vendor in times of emergency: Best Practice Story from Haldia Dock Complex.

[How a small but innovative effort by alert Executives in HDC altered the entire course of decision making in a seemingly inevitable single tender scenario, making enormous savings for the organisation as a result.]

Procurement under Urgency: Lessons from the forgotten Commonwealth Games (CWG) 2010.

[Can urgency be really considered as a one-word justification to circumvent normal tendering process and propriety of public buying? Case study to demonstrate the extent of chaos that can be generated by resorting to short-cuts in public procurement. Procurement under genuine cases of urgency.]

The Port Immortals: A Demographic Analysis of Pensioner Database of Kolkata Dock System.

[A startling case study revealing various peculiar aspects of Pensioner Database of KDS. Identification of areas where an organisation has to be alert, in order to prevent any irregularity in Pension disbursement, which has mammoth financial implications.]

Controlling the supply side of corruption.

[The urge to indulge in competitive corruption for global business success and the adverse consequence of adopting Bribing as an International Business Model.]

Ports, Trading Rights and The Bribes That Changed History.

[A historical example on how petty corruption destroyed a medieval East Coast Port, which, in turn, might have triggered the subjugation of an entire country before the private army of a British Company.]

Ensuring Best Value for Money in public procurement.

[One of the fundamental principles of public procurement and how the same is followed in actual practice in the Indian scenario.]

Dead-man Billing: A case study on certain unusual facets of Estate Management.

[The phenomenon of a “Never Ending Licenses” or “License-in-perpetuity” in KDS and the dangers posed by sporadic, irregular and non-programmed lease inspection.]