(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Shipping, Government of India )


The Bill Gates of KDS: A study of the existing IT System for bill processing and HR Management in Kolkata Dock System.

[Case studies related to billing frauds in Medical bills, salary/allowance, etc.]

The Birth and untimely Death of 3 High Value Cranes in Chennai: Importance of providing appropriate Payment, Inspection and Rejection terms in High Value M & P Contracts.

[A startling case study pertaining to procurement and non-utilization of 3 (three) high value Cranes in Chennai Port Trust.]

The Talk Between Computers: Enhancing Data Transmission accuracy in Port Weighbridges by Preventing Electronics Vulnerabilities.

[The importance of real time transmission of accurate data from Weighbridges to Port’s own Computer system.]

The State of the Estate: Study of and suggestions for enhancing Estate Management in KDS

[Case studies indicating the main causes behind the apparent Legal impasse, i.e., raising bills against the litigant, but without desired realization.]

Contracting Efficiency: Improving Tendering Ecosystem of KoPT (Estimate Preparation).

[Analysis of practice of estimate preparation and approval, procedure of framing bidding documents, desirability of two-stage system for all tendering activities, phenomenon of shortfall documents, etc.]

Improving Tendering and Contracting Ecosystem of Kolkata Port Trust.

[A detailed study of the tendering and contracting ecosystem at KoPT, with respect to centralization of decision making, diffusion in accountability, comprehensive database on tenders/contracts, delegation of power, etc.]

Improving Clarity and Objectivity in PQ/Eligibility Criteria.

[Case studies at KDS and HDC and analysis thereof, demonstrating the requirement of system improvement for improving clarity and objectivity in PQ/Eligibility Criteria.]

Improving Transparency in File Noting while seeking Approval/Sanction from higher authorities.

[Ambiguous and inconclusive file notings, while seeking administrative approval from higher authority, which result in confusion in order implementation.]

Recording of “Reasonableness of Rate” in TC Minutes.

[Case study and analysis towards incorporating reasonableness of prices in recommendation of Tender Committee.]

Delay in Bill Processing due to misconception of DoP.

[Analysis of the bill processing procedure in the backdrop of Delegation of Power highlighting the potential vulnerabilities of unchecked post-contract variation.]

Building a definite accountability structure.

[The importance of having detailed allocation of duties and responsibilities of all Officers/Officials of an organisation.]

Care and Diligence to observed while Engaging Consultants.


[Areas of particular concern in the process of engaging Consultants in the Public Sector setting and care to be taken in this regard.]

Whether to bill or not to bill


Comparative study of “Income vs Dues and Litigation vs Recovery”


Study of methodology for proper “Valuation of KDS land and determining its escalation”


Detailed study and suggestions for “Estate Litigation: Process, Progress and Prospects”


Detailed study and suggestions for “Streamlining Estate Inspection”


Improving Efficacy of Disciplinary Proceeding in KoPT