- SMPK (Meetings of Board and Transsaction of Business) Regulations, 2024....21-June-2024 (, 1314 KB)
- General Financial Rules 2005 (Updated up to 31.07.2023)...26-Mar-2024 (, 2381 KB)
- Draft SMPK (Meetings of Board, its Powers and Transaction of Business) Regulations, 2022 (, 1296 KB)
- Kolkata Port Trust (Stevedoring and Shore Handling Licence) Regulations (, 2507 KB)
- The Commissioners for the Port of Calcutta, Bylaws - 1949 (, 5160 KB)
- General Conditions of Contract - Forms and Agreements (, 484 KB)
- General Financial Rules 2005 (, 975 KB)
- Calcutta Port Trust ( Licensing of Stevedores) Regulations 1987 (, 41 KB)
- Calcutta Port Trust (Distraint or Arrest and Sale of Vessels) Regulations 1989 (, 38 KB)
- Main Regulations
- Port of Calcutta (Responsibility of Goods) Regulations 1975 (, 41 KB)
- Calcutta Port Rules 1994 (, 214 KB)
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