The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code
To establish an international framework to detect security threats and take preventive measures against security incidents affecting ships and port facilities used in INTERNATIONAL TRADE.
To establish the respective roles and responsibilities of all parties concerned at the national and international level for ensuring MARITIME SECURITY.
- Contracting Governments
- Government Agencies
- Shipping Industries
- Port Industries
- Local Administrations
ISPS CODE Risk Management for Ports
Requirements include
- Port Facility Security Plans - PFSP
- Port Facility Security Officers – PFSO
ISPS CODE Risk Management for Port facilities
Requirements include
- Monitoring & controlling access
- Monitoring the activities of people and cargo
- Ensuring security communications
Requirements included in Chapter XI-2 of the International Convention SOLAS
Passenger ships, including passenger high-speed craft
Cargo ships, including high-speed craft of 500 gross tonnage and upwards
Mobile offshore drilling units
Port facilities serving ships engaged on international voyages
- Part A is mandatory
- Part B is a Guidance but may become mandatory
ISPS CODE Part A - Mandatory Requirements
- General
- Definition
- Application
- Responsibilities of Contracting Governments
- Declaration Of Security ( DOS )
- Obligations of the Company
- Ship security
- Ship Security Assessment
- Ship Security Plan
- Records
Apply to Ship
- Company Security Officer
- Ship Security Officer
- Training, drills and exercises on ship
- Verification and certification for ship
Apply to Port facility
- Port Facility Security
- Port Facility Security Assessment
- Port Facility Security Plan
- Port Facility Security Officer
- Training, drills and exercises on port facility
- Gathering and assessing information with respect to security threats
- Requiring the maintenance of communication protocols for ships and port facilities
- Preventing unauthorized access to ships, port facilities and their restricted areas
- Preventing the introduction of unauthorized weapons, incendiary devices or explosives to ships or port facilities
- Providing means for raising the alarm in reaction to security threats or security incidents
- Requiring ships and port facility security plans based upon security assessments
- Requiring training and drills to ensure familiarity with security plans and procedures
- A plan to ensure the application of measures on board the ship designed to protect persons on board, cargo, cargo transport units, ship’s stores or the ship from the risks of a security incident.
- A plan to ensure the application of measures designed to protect the port facility and ships, persons, cargo, cargo transport units and ship’s stores within the port facility from the risks of a security incident. The person on board the ship accountable to the master for security of the ship, including implementation and maintenance of the Ship Security Plan and for liaison with the Company Security Officer and the Port Facility Security Officers.
The person ashore designated by the company for ensuring that a ship security assessment is carried out, that the Ship Security Plan is developed, approved implemented and maintained and for liaison with Port Facility Security Officer and the Ship Security Officer.
Capt. Abhijit Ghosh, Director(I/c), Marine Department
Telephone (Office): 033-22303214
VOIP: 033- 71012016
email ID:
The purpose of the DOS is to ensure agreement is reached between the ship and the Port facility as to the respective security measures each will undertake in accordance with the provisions of their respective security plans.
A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:
- The ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with.
- There is an agreement on the declaration of security between Contracting Governments covering certain international voyages or specifics ships on those voyages.
- There has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or the port facility, as applicable.
- The ship is at port which is not required to have implemented an approved port facility security plan.
- The ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have and implement an approved ship security plan.
Shipboard personnel having specific security duties and responsibilities shall have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties.
The Company Security Officer and appropriate shore-based personnel and the Ship Security Officer shall have knowledge and receive training Drills and exercises shall be conducted at appropriate intervals taking into account the ship type, ship personnel changes, port facilities to be visited and other relevant circumstances.
The Company Security Officer shall ensure the effective co-ordination and implementation of the SSP by participating in exercises at appropriate intervals.