15, Strand Road
Kolkata - 700 001
The Port of Kolkata is the only riverine Major Port in India with two Dock Systems, one at Kolkata and the other at Haldia. Sophisticated Port facilities for handling diverse cargo like break bulk, bulk, containers, etc. are available with extensive storage facility. The Port has a customer friendly approach and plays a vital role in the promotion of international trade of the country. It also has the opportunity of developing into a hub for inland water transport.
Our mission is to excel in providing better port facilities and improving quality of services.
The objectives of the port are;
- Economic and friendly services.
- Automated operations.
- Reduction of turn around time of vessels.
- Improvement of cargo volume.
- Improvement of average ship day output.
- Reduction of idle time of vessels at berths.
- Simplified and streamlined procedures of work.
- Safety, training (skill development) and congenial industrial relations.
- Compliance of all regulatory/ statutory requirements.
The wide range of services, which the Port provides include:
- Conservancy/Maintenance of entire river regime within the Port jurisdiction.
- Pilotage of vessels to and from Port.
- Berthing and Un-Berthing of vessels.
- Loading and unloading of cargo into and from vessels.
- Embarkation and dis-embarkation of passengers and services connected with Passenger Terminal.
- Infrastructure facilities like various type of cargo handling equipment (including 200 tonnes capacity shore based Cantilever Crane, 60 tonnes capacity Floating Crane). Stacking area (both covered and opened). Road and Railway network, etc.
- Tippling and stacking of Coal/Ore and loading through conveyor belt (Haldia Dock only).
- Facility of Container Freight Station inside Port, and Container Parking Yard with RTG Crane and other modern equipment
- Stevedoring service.
- Direct rail link facilities and services connected with movement of goods by railway wagons from/ to Port (including supply of locomotives).
- Fire-Fighting and salvage operations.
- Arrangements for supply of bunker and fresh water to vessels.
- Dry Dock facilities.
- Allotment of land to the Port Users, Maintenance of Roads, Bridges, Ghats etc.
- Security coverage.
- Publication of Tide Tables for the Hooghly River.
Kolkata Port aims to enrich customer satisfaction through effective application of Internal Quality Management System, including process for continual improvement of the system and assurance of conformity to customer requirement and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Kolkata Port users can expect that
- Grievances shall be acknowledged immediately and reply will be given within 60 days.
- Corruption related complaints received by the Vigilance Department will be registered within 48 hours, investigation started within 15 days and report will be submitted to competent authority as quickly as possible depending on thenature of the complaint.
- At KDS minimum availability of equipment in each working shift will be : -
- At least 5 in respect of container handling equipment ( at Container Terminal berths).
- At least 9 in respect of Mobile Cranes.
- At least 8 in respect of Tractors.
- At least 9 in respect of Forklifts.
- At least 4 in respect of Shore Cranes.
- At HDC minimum availability of equipment in each working shift will be :-
- At least 6 in respect of Locomotives
- At least 6 in respect of Pay Loaders
- At least 90% against demand in respect of Transtainer Crane
- At least 90% against demand in respect of Top Lift Ttruck
- At least 90% against demand in respect of 10 Ton Fork Lift Truck
- Bills for services rendered by KoPT will be issued within 15 days after receipt of all documents.
- Refunds will be made within 15 days after receipt of all relevant documents.
- Application for licence/approval of drawing/other services, etc. will be taken up for processing within 15 days and reply will be given within a maximum period of 3 months.
External Customers
- Shipping Company/Steamer Agents.
- Importers/Exporters.
- Clearing & Forwarding Agents.
- CFS Operators.
- BOT Terminal Operator
- Stevedores.
- Transporters.
- Container Agents.
- Barge Operators
- Logistic Service provider
- Siding Holders.
Internal Customer
- All employees.
- Through Website (www portofcalcutta.com)
- Through brochures.
- Interactive Committees (Port Operations Group, Marketing Group, Trade Relations Group, Business Development Group etc.)
- Information and Facilitation Counter.
- May be sent to Director of Grievances, Dy. Chairman (K) at KDS and to Grievance Officers, GM (M&S) and GM (Operations.) at HDC
- May be sent through website.
- May be sent to concerned department by post.
- May be registered at the Information and Facilitation Counter personally.
The Kolkata Port strives to provide efficient service to its customers through its specialised departments/divisions at KDS and HDC. Broad outline of functions of the departments/divisions are as follows :-
- Marine - Pilotage to HDC and KDS, dredging, Hydrographic Survey, river conservancy including maintenance of light vessels, light buoys, lighterage operations at Sandheads and river anchorages, ship breaking, etc.
- Finance - Overall financial planning, management and control of various activities, financial advice on related matters, receipt and disbursement, accounting and auditing,payment of salary, fringe benefit, pension, etc..
- Administration - General administration and policy matters including personnel policy, Board meetings, etc.
- Labour & Industrial Relations - Industrial relations, staff welfare, quarters (Class-IV), matters relating to safety, staff training, etc..
- Medical - Management of Hospitals, medical care of port employees and administration of health service.
- Civil Engineering - Planning and execution of civil engineering works and general maintenance of port infrastructure and deposit works.
- Traffic - Traffic operations, handling/clearance of cargo, trade relations, etc.
- Mechanical Engineering - Maintenance and repairs of all mechanical, electrical and marine equipments.
- Planning & Research - MIS, plan formulation and project monitoring, computerisation, Trade Relation & Marketing, etc.
- Hydraulic Study - Study and research on hydraulic characteristics and problems of the River Hooghly and overall planning of riverine activities, maintenance of certain navigational aids like VTMS and DGPS, consultancy services, etc.
- Estate - Management of Port estates, lease/licence of lands, sheds and yards, staff quarters (other than Class-IV).
- Legal - Legal matters and related advisory function.
- Materials Management - Inventory planning and control including procurement, storage and distribution of material and disposal of condemned materials, etc.
- Vigilance - Vigilance matters and anti-corruption strategies.
- Finance - Financial advice and controls, internal audit, receipt and disbursement, preparation of accounts, etc.
- Infrastructure & Civic Facilities - Planning, construction and maintenance of civil works and maintenance of berths, sheds roads, etc.
- Marine Operations - Coordination for movement of vessels to and from Haldia including berthing and unberthing of ships in the docks.
- Shipping & Cargo Handling - Planning, operation and related commercial work, etc
- Railways - Operation of the Port Railway System, etc.
- Administration - General administration, management and control of the Port Estate, computerisation, public relations, coordination in legal matters, etc.
- Personnel and Industrial Relations - Planning and control of human resources development, establishment, industrial relations, welfare ,matters relating to safety, training, etc.
- Materials Management - Inventory planning and control including procurement, storage, distribution, etc.
- Medical - Management of Port Hospital and medical care of Port employees, etc.
- Plant & Equipment - Maintenance and operation of different plants, equipment, maintenance of power house, sub-station, distribution of electrical power in the dock area and township, etc.
Kolkata Port ensures continual improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System through uses of quality policy, quality objective, audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and Management Review Meeting. Commitments enshrined in the Charter are promises to be fulfilled for which continuous efforts will be made.
The charter would be reviewed on six monthly basis.