Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer of Kolkata Port Trust (Kolkata Dock System)
Last Updated On: 05-Sep-2024
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No. 2086 of 2024 (BPTK vs Prem Kumar Sahani & Ors.)....05-Sep-2024 (, 3047 KB)
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No. 258D of 1998 (BPTK vs M/s Inland Transport)....05-Sep-2024 (, 2441 KB)
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No. 2025, 2025R, 2025D of 2023 (BPTK vs G.C Banerjee & Co. Pvt. Ltd.)....16-Aug-2024 (, 3921 KB)
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No. 2017, 2017/R of 2023 (BPTK vs Tarababu Prosad).....29-July-2024 (, 3908 KB)
- Sri Narayan Chandra Sett, Sri Patit Paban Sett, Leagl Heirs of Sri Jotish Chandra Sett (1413 of 2013) (, 3831 KB)
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No. 275 of 1999(BPTK vs M/s. M.A.M. Kashani & Sons)...06-Jan-2023 (, 3280 KB)
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No.1749, 1749/R, 1749/D of 2019 (BPTK vs Estate Indrajit yadav)....01-Feb-2022 (, 5643 KB)
- Final order passed by Ld. EO in the proceedings No.1463/D of 2015 (BPTK vs M/s. City Variety Stores)...01-Feb-2022 (, 3340 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.390 of 2000 (BPTK vs Shree Gouri Shankar Jute Mill Pvt Ltd.)...-29-Nov-2021 (, 5362 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 701 of 2005 ( BPTK vs M/s Ara Warehousing Pvt. Ltd.)...-26-Nov-2021 (, 3907 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1721, 1721R&D of 2019 ( BPTK vs Shri Paresh Kr Gupta)...-18-Nov-2021 (, 5850 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 1761 of 2019 (BPTK vs Shri Vinay Kr. Sukla and others)...-17-Nov-2021 (, 3425 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the Proceedings No.1742 of 2019 (BPTK vs P.C.Chatterjee & Co.)...-28-Oct-2021 (, 4450 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the Proceedings No.1667 of 2018 (BPTK vs M/s Soorajmull Baijnath)...-28-Oct-2021 (, 4017 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the Proceedings No.1563 of 2017 (BPTK vs Sri Prahalad Ch. Agarwal and Sri Umrao Prasad Agarwal)...-28-Oct-2021 (, 4137 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in Proceedings No. 1740/D of 2019 (BPTK vs M/s Nepal Carriers)...-05-Oct-2021 (, 3562 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in proceedings no. 1172/D of 2011 (BPTK vs M/s Industrial Steel Craft)...-05-Oct-2021 (, 3254 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1759 of 2019 ( BPTK vs Estate Jagdeo Sing )...-09-Sept-2021 (, 4930 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1694 of 2019 ( BPTK vs Shri Ram prasad Sing & Shri Guru Prosad Sing)...-09-Sept-2021 (, 5011 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 1863 of 2021 ( BPTK vs Howrah Mills Co Ltd.)...-09-Sept-2021 (, 5175 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1739 of 2019 ( BPTK vs M/s Murlimal Santaram & Co.)...-09-Sept-2019 (, 2717 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1362 of 2012 ( BPTK vs Sri Bhutnath Shaw(O.P.)...-02-Sept-2021 (, 8000 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 1557 of 2017 ( BPTK vs Estate Satyendra Nandy, estate Aruna Mitra and Aparna Roy)...-02-Sept-2021 (, 1991 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1757 of 2019(BPTK vs M/s Atul Ch. Paul & Tarini Ch. Dey )...-23-Aug-2021 (, 2520 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1275 of 2012 ( BPTK vs M/s Patit Paban Banerjee & Sons )...-11-Aug-2021 (, 5245 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 1260, 1260 R&D,1261, 1261 R&D (BPTK vs M/s Shalimar Works Ltd.)...-11-Aug-2021 (, 874 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 1777/L of 2020 ( BPTK vs M/s Khaderan Ahir)...-04-Aug-2021 (, 7634 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1134/R of 2011 ( BPTK vs Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.)...-28-July-2021 (, 4648 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1556 of 2017 ( BPTK vs M/S Sett & Sons Pvt.Ltd)...-17-June-2021 (, 7179 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1793, 1793R-D of 2020(BPTK vs Mrs. Sitaram Mahato, I.E.A.C Engineering Co)...-27-April-2021 (, 4007 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1687/D of 2019 ( BPTK vs M/s Mineral Grinding Industries )...-22-April-2021 (, 1545 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.1657/R of 2018 ( BPTK vs M/s Hooghly Building & Investment Co. Ltd.)...-20-April-2021 (, 5034 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.391/R of 2020 ( BPTK vs M/s Sarad Enterprise Ltd.)...20-April-2021 (, 3704 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no. 1728 of 2019 (BPTK vs M/s North British Engineering Corporation)...-13-April-2021 (, 4786 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in the proceedings no.574,574/R of 2004 ( BPTK vs Sital Ch. Sett )...-12-April-2021 (, 7456 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in the Proceeding No. 1593, 1593/D of 2017 (BTPK vs Bhagwandas Jhabarmull)...-31-Mar-2021 (, 7691 KB)
- Final orders of Estate Officer in proceedings no. 1707 of 2019 (BPTK vs M/s Motiram Agarwal & Co.(P) Ltd....-26-Mar-2021 (, 6922 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld.EO in proceedings no.1464 of 2015 ( BPTK vs M/s Everett (India)Pvt. Ltd.)...-24-Mar-2021 (, 7421 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 162/D, 163/D, 164/D,165/D & 166/D of 1993 ( BTPK vs Grand Smithy Works)...-10-Mar-2021 (, 8146 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings 1843,1843/R,1843/D of 2020 [ SMP, Kolkata vs The Liquidator Bharati Shipyard Ltd. ( now known as Bharati Defence and Infrastructure Ltd....-10-Mar-2021 (, 7068 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings 586, 586/ R of 2004 (BTPK vs Estate Kalipada Sett & Ors. )...-04-Mar-2021 (, 6590 KB)
- Final Order passed in Proceedings No. 1664 of 2018 (BTPK vs Estate Satyendra Nath Nandy)...-26-Feb-2021 (, 5087 KB)
- Final Order passed in Proceedings No. 1680 of 2018 (BTPK vs Haldia Alloys & Ispat Pvt. Ltd.)...-26-Feb-2021 (, 4857 KB)
- Final order passed in the Proceeding No. 904/D of 2017 (BTPK vs Industrial Minerals & Mills Store Trade (P) Ltd.)...-12-Feb-2021 (, 861 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1442/R & 1442/D of 2014 (BTPK vs T.D. Kumar Bros. Ltd. )...-10-Feb-2021 (, 3466 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings 1570/R of 2017 (BTPK vs T.D. Kumar Bros. Ltd.)...-10-Feb-2021 (, 3016 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings 1397,1397/R of 2013 ( BTPK vs Estate Hariram Agarwalla)...-10-Feb-2021 (, 7278 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings No. 1022D of 2009 (BTPK vs Mather & Platt (India) Ltd. )...29-Jan-2021 (, 4034 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings 1541 of 2016 ( BTPK vs Sri. Chandra Sekhar Banerjee)...-29-Jan-2021 (, 5105 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 714/D & 715/D of 2005 (BTPK vs M/S T.E Thomson & Company Ltd)...-21-January-2021 (, 2298 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1107, 1107/R, 1107/D of 2011 (BTPK vs Estate Bhagaloo Shaw and Another)...-20-January-2021 (, 3740 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1296, 1296/R, 1296/D of 2012 (BTPK vs M/S Basdeo Singh)...-20-January-2021 (, 5702 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1539,1539/D of 2016 (BTPK vs M/S Arya Parishad Vidyalaya)...-20-January-2021 (, 6719 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1439, 1439/R of 2014 (BTPK vs M/S Rama Trading Company)...-20-January-2021 (, 3841 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1712, 1712/R, 1712/D of 2019 (BTPK vs M/s Iswari Prasad Singh & Co)...-19-January-2021 (, 5399 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1659, 1659/R, 1659/D of 2018 (BTPK vs M/s Kashi Timber Trading Co)...-19-January-2021 (, 3673 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1138, 1138/R of 2011 ( BTPK Vs. M/s. A.K.Mitter & Brothers)...-13-Jan-2021 (, 7615 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1641,1641/R & 1641/D of 2018 ( BTPK Vs. M/s. Calcutta Tent Mfg Co.)...-06-January-2021 (, 7490 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1122, 1122/R of 2011 (BTPK vs M/s Ram Lal Ram Govind Prasad)...-23-December-2020 (, 5227 KB)
- Final order passed in 1382,1382/R of 2013 ( BTPK vs Smt. Govinda Devi & Ors.)...-16-December-2020 (, 5747 KB)
- Final Order passed in BTPK vs Estate Andrew Chowdhury in Proceeding No.1579, 1579/D of 2017...-16-December-2020 (, 3773 KB)
- Final order passed in 1658,1658/R,1658/D of 2018 (BTPK vs The Ganga Metal Refining Co. Pvt. Ltd.)...-10-December-2020 (, 7014 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceeding No. 1662,1662/R,1662/D of 2018 (BTPK vs P.K. Bagla & Co.)...-10-December-2020 (, 5461 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld EO in KoPT in PP Act Proceedings no. 1450 of 2014...-07-December-2020 (, 4384 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1105 & 1105/R of 2011( BTPK Vs. Estate Probhat Biswas)...-03-December-2020 (, 3816 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings 1580,1580/D of 2017 (BTPK vs M/s Universal Auto Craft)...-26-November-2020 (, 4639 KB)
- Final Order passed in BTPK vs Kelucharan Prodhan & Ors. in Proceeding No.1768,1768/R 1768/D of 2019...-20-November-2020 (, 7867 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1178/D of 2011( BTPK Vs. M/s. Dekem & Co.)...-11-November-2020 (, 2813 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings No. 1692/R of 2019 ( BTPK vs Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.) for publication in the official website of SMP, Kolkata...05-November-2020 (, 4596 KB)
- Final order passed in Proceedings No. 1123, 1123/R, 1123/D of 2011 ( BTPK vs M/s Hindusthan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.) ...-29-October-2020 (, 6808 KB)
- Final order passed in BTPK Vs M/S Mother Dairy, Kolkata(Proceedings No.1156,1156/R,1156/D of 2011...-20-October-2020 (, 4152 KB)
- Final order passed in BTPK Vs M/S Sarjoo Ram Koiree(Proceedings No.1278,1278/R, 1278/D of 2012)....-15-October-2020 (, 7181 KB)
- Final order passed in BTPK Vs M/S Dekem & Co(Proceedings No.1635/D of 2018)...-14-October-2020 (, 2742 KB)
- Final order passed in BTPK Vs Estate Anjan Kumar Naskar(Proceedings No.1359/D of 2012)...-12-October-2020 (, 2444 KB)
- Final order passed in BTPK Vs M/S Sett Shome & Co(Proceedings No.1551,1551/D of 2017)...-08-October-2020 (, 3627 KB)
- Final order passed in BTPK Vs Ram Murat Pandey & Co(Proceedings No.1474 of 2015)...-08-October-2020 (, 5324 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1448/R of 2014 ( BTPK Vs. Smt. Ashima Khan & Sri Dilip Kumar Khan)...-30-Sept-2020 (, 5117 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1652,1652/D of 2018( BTPK Vs. M/s. Sarkar Mukherjee & Co.)...-30-Sept-2020 (, 7706 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1190,1190/R,1190/D of 2011( BTPK Vs. M/s. M.L. Das & Co.)...-28-Sept-2020 (, 5902 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1359/D of 2012 (BTPK Vs. Estate Anjan Kumar Naskar)...-23-Sept-2020 (, 2306 KB)
- Final Order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act Proceedings No. 1665,1665/D of 2018 (BTPK vs Sandip Bind Enterprises (P) Ltd)....-03-Sept-2020 (, 7000 KB)
- Final Order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in P.P. Act Proceedings No. 1638/R of 2018 (BTPK vs M/s K.M. & Co....-31-Aug-2020 (, 1910 KB)
- Final Order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in P.P. Act Proceedings No. 1654/D of 2018 ( BTPK vs M/s Liberty Export & Import Corporation...-31-Aug-2020 (, 2536 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act Proceedings No. 808/D of 2006 (BTPK vs M/s Century Refrigeration & Co.)...-28-Aug-2020 (, 2797 KB)
- Final Order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1334, 1334/D of 2012 (BTPK vs Smt. Basanti Devi)...-24-Aug-2020 (, 7906 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 378/D of 2008 ( BTPK vs M/s R.Sen)...-17-Aug-2020 (, 2986 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1479,1479/R,1479/D of 2015 ( BTPK vs M/s Sunita Industrial Corporation)...-17-Aug-2020 (, 5955 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1162,1162/R of 2011 ( BTPK vs Estate Shibnath Chakraborty)...-14-Aug-2020 (, 5976 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings no. 1193,1193/D of 2011 (BTPK vs Nawab Shaw & Raghunath Shaw)...-12-Aug-2020 (, 4386 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1192,1192/D of 2011 BTPK vs Estate Nawab Shaw & Raghunath Shaw...-12-Aug-2020 (, 4501 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1311, 1311/R, 1311/D of 2012 ( BTPK vs Vijay Kumar Yadav)...-12-Aug-2020 (, 4877 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1614,1614/R,1614/D of 2017 (BTPK vs Ramesh Kumar Churiwal)...-12-Aug-2020 (, 5611 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1170,1170/D of 2018 ( BTPK vs Uma Shankar Shukla)...-10-Aug-2020 (, 5292 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld. Estate Officer in Proceedings No. 1595/D of 2017 ( BTPK vs Shankarlal Beswala)...-10-Aug-2020 (, 3095 KB)
- Final order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1743/D of 2019...-24-July-2020 (, 3271 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1787 of 2020...-21-July-2020 (, 5277 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceeding no. 1790 of 2020...-21-July-2020 (, 4954 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceeding no. 1788 of 2020...-21-July-2020 (, 5076 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceeding no. 1789 of 2020...21-July-2020 (, 5319 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1782 of 2020...-20-July-2020 (, 3463 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1791 of 2020...-20-July-2020 (, 2746 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1785 of 2020...-20-July-2020 (, 2903 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no.1784 of 2020...-20-July-2020 (, 5282 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1786 of 2020...-20-July-2020 (, 4966 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in PP Act proceedings no. 1783 of 2020...-20-July-2020 (, 5028 KB)
- Final Order passed by LD EO in KoPT in P.P Act Proceeding no.1183 & 1183/D of 2011 Order no.23 dated 25.06.2020...-29-June-2020 (, 4772 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1475,1475/R,1475/D of 2015...06-March-2020 (, 5759 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1264 of 2011...-06-February-2020 (, 4256 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 359,359/D of 1999...-03-February-2020 (, 4657 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in P.P. Act proceedings no. 354,354/D of 1999...03-February-2020 (, 4772 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1285 of 2012...-22-January-2020 (, 5602 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1371/D of 2012...-20-January-2020 (, 2323 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1389/D of 2013...-20-January-2020 (, 2312 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 615 of 2004...08-January-2020 (, 4671 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1285 of 2012...-06-January-2020 (, 5631 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1767 of 2019...-31-December-2019 (, 1447 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1283 of 2012...-24-December-2019 (, 4416 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1171 of 2011 (, 3792 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 361 of 1999......16-Dec-2019 (, 3629 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1279 of 2012....16-Dec-2019 (, 6037 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1470 of 2015.....16-Dec-2019 (, 5778 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1272 of 2012..-09-December-2019 (, 5687 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1273 of 2012..-09-December-2019 (, 4894 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1282 of 2012..-06-December-2019 (, 4656 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1393 of 2013..-06-December-2019 (, 3175 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1562/D of 2017...-5-December-2019 (, 2936 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1315 of 2012..-05-December-2019 (, 5522 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1540/D of 2016...-05-December-2019 (, 3257 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1395/R of 2013..-05-December-2019 (, 3011 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1396/R of 2013..-05-December-2019 (, 2736 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1316 of 2012...-02-December-2019 (, 4114 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1241 of 2011..-29-November-2019 (, 5452 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1171 of 2011..-29-November-2019 (, 8180 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1297 of 2012..-29-November-2019 (, 3673 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1406 of 2013..-27-November-2019 (, 5610 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1686 of 2019..-27-November-2019 (, 3425 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1613/R of 2017..-21-November-2019 (, 2043 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1414 of 2013..-21-November-2019 (, 7355 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1287 of 2012..19-November-2019 (, 6547 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1153 of 2011..-19-November-2019 (, 5661 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1152 of 2011..-19-November-2019 (, 5310 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1724 of 2019..-19-November-2019 (, 3638 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1407/R,1407/D of 2013..-19-November-2019 (, 5031 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1236 of 2011..-13-November-2019 (, 5730 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1182/D of 2011-08-November-2019 (, 2441 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1213 of 2011 -08-November-2019 (, 5472 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1745/D of 2019-08-November-2019 (, 2325 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1482, 1482/D of 2016...-06-November-2019 (, 4989 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 763 of 2006...-06-November-2019 (, 7517 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1405/R of 2013..-05-November-2019 (, 4756 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1434 of 2013..-01-November-2019 (, 3911 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1704 of 2019..-30-October-2019 (, 3457 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1650/R of 2018..-24-October-2019 (, 4487 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1649/R of 2018...-24-October-2019 (, 4277 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1581 of 2017..-14-October-2019 (, 6323 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1428 of 2013..-14-October-2019 (, 3604 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1698 of 2019..-14-October-2019 (, 4615 KB)
- Final order dated 24.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1691 of 2019..-26-September-2019 (, 1973 KB)
- Final Order passed by Ld EO in KoPT in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1366 of 2012..-26-September-2019 (, 3383 KB)
- Final order dated 19.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1447 of 2014..-20-September-2019 (, 4252 KB)
- Final order dated 19.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1472 of 2015..-20-September-2019 (, 2529 KB)
- Final order dated 16.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1661,1661/D of 2019..-18-September-2019 (, 4549 KB)
- Final order dated 16.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1746/L of 2019..-18-September-2019 (, 1626 KB)
- Final order dated 16.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1629/D of 2018...-17-September-2019 (, 1839 KB)
- Final order dated 16.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1709 of 2019...-17-September-2019 (, 4541 KB)
- Final order dated 06.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1715/2019..-12-September-2019 (, 5065 KB)
- Final order dated 06.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1335/2012..-12-September-2019 (, 5037 KB)
- Final order dated 04.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1108/2011..-12-September-2019 (, 6683 KB)
- Final order dated 06.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1610/2017..-09-September-2019 (, 1669 KB)
- Final order dated 06.09.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1452/2014..-09-September-2019 (, 2066 KB)
- Final order dated 19.08.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1559/2017..-29-Aug-2019 (, 5833 KB)
- Final order dated 20.08.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1716/2019..-29-Aug-2019 (, 1951 KB)
- Final order dated 05.08.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1718/2019..-29-Aug-2019 (, 732 KB)
- Final order dated 20.08.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1695/2019..-28-Aug-2019 (, 4801 KB)
- Final order dated 20.08.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1314/2012..-22-Aug-2019 (, 6153 KB)
- Final order dated 02.08.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1640/2018.. - 05-Aug-2019 (, 4530 KB)
- Final order dated 12.06.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1194/2011..-16-July-2019 (, 4209 KB)
- Final order dated 15.07.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1350/2013..-15-July-2019 (, 4188 KB)
- Final order dated 05.07.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1543/2017..-05-July-2019 (, 3997 KB)
- Final order dated 13.06.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1631/2018...-14-June-2019 (, 6495 KB)
- Final order dated 03.06.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1483/2016..-12-June-2019 (, 4111 KB)
- Final order dated 13.05.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1198/R/2011..-12-June-2019 (, 2338 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate officer in P.P Act proceeding no. 1380/2013 dated 24.05.2019....-03-June-2019 (, 6053 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1237/2011 dated 14.05.2019..-20-May-2019 (, 6491 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1669/L/2018 dated 17.05.2019..-20-May-2019 (, 2621 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1672/L/2018 dated 16.05.2019..-17-May-2019 (, 3573 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1688/L/2019 dated 16.05.2019..-17-May-2019 (, 2006 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1701/L of 2019 dated 13.05.2019..-14-May-2019 (, 4596 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1713/L of 2019 dated 02.05.2019..-14-May-2019 (, 4632 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceeding no. 1542/2017 dated 07.05.2019 - 09-May-2019 (, 5654 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceeding no. 1543/2017, dated 07.05.2019- 09-May-2019 (, 5299 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 672 of 2005 dated 03.05.2019 - 08-May-2019 (, 6313 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no.1651/L/2018, dated 05.04.2019 - 08-May-2019 (, 3760 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1679/L/2019 dated 05.04.2019 - 08-May-2019 (, 4002 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no.1689/L/2019 dated 05.04.2019 - 08-May-2019 (, 3732 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 911 of 2007 dated 02.05.2019 (, 6252 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1486 of 2016 dated 29.04.2019 - 29-April-2019 (, 7703 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1274 of 2012 dated 18.04.2019 - 26-April-2019 (, 5706 KB)
- Final order passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1693 of 2019 dated 23.04.2019 - 26-April-2019 (, 1742 KB)
- Final order dated 19.04.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1186 of 2011-22-April-2019 (, 4581 KB)
- Final order dated 19.04.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no.1218 of 2011-22-April-2019 (, 4278 KB)
- Final order dated 17.04.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1685/L of 2019 -22-April-2019 (, 2003 KB)
- Final order dated 17.04.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceeding no. 1678/L of 2018 - 19-April-2019 (, 2468 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1677/L of 2018 dated 17.04.2019 - 18-April-2019 (, 2195 KB)
- Final orders passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no.1682/L of 2018, dated 17.04.2019 - 18-April-2019 (, 2192 KB)
- Final order dated 22.03.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 303/1999 - 05-April-2019 (, 5191 KB)
- Final order dated 29.03.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1608/2017 - 02-April-2019 (, 5591 KB)
- Final order dated 18.03.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1660/2018 - 25-Mar-2019 (, 3573 KB)
- Final order dated 15.03.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1676/L/2018 - 25-Mar-2019 (, 1594 KB)
- Final order dated 15.03.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1674/L/2018 - 25-Mar-2019 (, 1582 KB)
- Final order dated 12.03.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1276/2012 - 25-Mar-2019 (, 5431 KB)
- Final order dated 27.02.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1681/L/2018 - 04-Mar-2019 (, 2574 KB)
- Final order dated 13.12.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1021/2009 - 15-Feb-2019 (, 1620 KB)
- Final order dated 05.02.2019 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 739/2005 - 15-Feb-2019 (, 4077 KB)
- Final order dated 28.12.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1647/2018 - 15-Feb-2019 (, 5142 KB)
- Final order dated 13.12.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1244/2011 - 15-Jan-2019 (, 4841 KB)
- Final order dated 04.12.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1298/2012 - 21-Dec-2018 (, 4924 KB)
- Final order dated 04.12.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1381/2013 - 21-Dec-2018 (, 4130 KB)
- Final order dated 07.12.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1555/2017 - 14-Dec-2018 (, 4714 KB)
- Final order dated 30.11.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1181/2011 - 06-Dec-2018 (, 4611 KB)
- Final order dated 27.11.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1294/2012 - 05-Dec-2018 (, 4634 KB)
- Final order dated 29.11.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1625/L/2018 - 05-Dec-2018 (, 1630 KB)
- Final order dated 28.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1302/2012 - 05-Nov-2018 (, 4062 KB)
- Final order dated 28.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1372/2012 - 05-Nov-2018 (, 3642 KB)
- Final order dated 28.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1399/2013 - 05-Nov-2018 (, 3040 KB)
- Final order dated 28.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1642/2018 - 05-Nov-2018 (, 3815 KB)
- Final order dated 28.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 920/2007 - 05-Nov-2018 (, 3499 KB)
- Final order dated 28.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 943/2008 - 05-Nov-2018 (, 1200 KB)
- final order dated 17.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 330/1999 - 25-Sept-2018 (, 396 KB)
- Final order dated 17.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 979/D/2008 - 25-Sept-2018 (, 1982 KB)
- Final order dated 12.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 727/2005 - 18-Sept-2018 (, 2720 KB)
- Final order dated 12.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1461/2015 - 18-Sept-2018 (, 3381 KB)
- Final order dated 12.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1538/2016 - 18-Sept-2018 (, 3494 KB)
- Final order dated 07.09.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1284/2012 - 12-Sept-2018 (, 4021 KB)
- Final order dated 24.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1476/2015 - 05-Sept-2018 (, 4553 KB)
- Final order dated 24.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1477/2015 - 05-Sept-2018 (, 4605 KB)
- Final order dated 30.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1463/2015 - 31-Aug-2018 (, 3239 KB)
- Final order dated 30.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1378/2012 - 31-Aug-2018 (, 4345 KB)
- Final order dated 23.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1196/2011 - 30-Aug-2018 (, 4436 KB)
- Final order dated 20.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1648/R/2018 - 30-Aug-2018 (, 2088 KB)
- Final order dated 14.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1586/L/2017 - 30-Aug-2018 (, 1431 KB)
- Final order dated 07.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1460/2015 - 23-Aug-2018 (, 2718 KB)
- Final order dated 01.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1592/2017...16-Aug-2018 (, 3175 KB)
- Final order dated 02.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1589/L/2017...16-Aug-2018 (, 1466 KB)
- Final order dated 01.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 621/2004...16-Aug-2018 (, 304 KB)
- Final order dated 03.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 320/1999...16-Aug-2018 (, 4776 KB)
- Final order dated 03.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1558/2017...14-Aug-2018 (, 4258 KB)
- Final order dated 30.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1270/2012 - 03-Aug-2018 (, 6667 KB)
- Final order dated 30.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1220/2012 - 03-Aug-2018 (, 6727 KB)
- Final order dated 01.08.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1532/2016 - 03-Aug-2018 (, 4449 KB)
- Final order dated 30.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1549/2017 - 02-Aug-2018 (, 5054 KB)
- Final order dated 24.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1646/L/2018 - 01-Aug-2018 (, 1621 KB)
- Final order dated 17.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1336/L/2012 - 23-July-2018 (, 1730 KB)
- Final order dated 13.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 720/2005 - 17-July-2018 (, 5130 KB)
- Final order dated 09.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1100/2010 - 12-July-2018 (, 1952 KB)
- Final order dated 09.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1490/R/2016 - 12-July-2018 (, 1988 KB)
- Final order dated 09.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1606/2017 - 12-July-2018 (, 5121 KB)
- Final order dated 03.07.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 857/2007 - 04-July-2018 (, 6425 KB)
- Final order dated 28.6.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 913/2007 - 03-July-2018 (, 7240 KB)
- Final order dated 20.6.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 995/2008 - 26-June-2018 (, 1966 KB)
- Final order dated 19.06.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1615/2017 - 22-June-2018 (, 4209 KB)
- Final order dated 18.06.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1114/2011 - 21-June-2018 (, 1733 KB)
- Final order dated 19.06.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1388/2013 - 20-June-2018 (, 2845 KB)
- Final order dated 19.06.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 1552/2017 - 20-June-2018 (, 3548 KB)
- Final order dated 14.06.2018 passed by the Ld Estate Officer in P.P. Act proceedings no. 581/2004 - 15-June-2018 (, 11520 KB)
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