Title & Ref.No: Submission of Documents/Credentials, Price Offers and Others for Printing, Binding & Supply of 150 copies of Administrative Report, SMPK for 2021-22...05-July-2022
Tender Category: Administration Department
Tender Date: 05-Jul-2022 15:00:00
Bid Open Date: 29-Jul-2022 15:00:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 551 KB
Tender Details:

TENDER NO: Admn/ T/ 174   Dated 05.07.2022

Submission of Documents/Credentials, Price Offers and Others for Printing, Binding & Supply of 150 copies of Administrative Report, Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port,Kolkata, (SMPK) for 2021-22