Title & Ref.No: Supply plantation & maintenance of 7000 saplings at different locations in the Residential zone Dock Zone & Dock Interior Zone of Haldia Dock Complex...22-Aug-2023
Tender Category: Administration Division
Tender Date: 27-Jul-2023 17:10:00
Bid Open Date: 22-Aug-2023 16:30:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 1157 KB
Tender Details:

Supply  plantation & maintenance of 7000 saplings for a peroid of 2 years at different locations in the Residential zone, Dock Zone & Dock Interior Zone of  Haldia Dock Complex.

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Tender No : ADMN/G/24M/2023

Last Due date & time of submission : Upto 1530 hours of 21.08.2023

Date & time of opening : 1630 hours of 22.08.2023