Title & Ref.No: Supply of 10 (ten) lorries fitted with water tanks and Pump/Tanker with pump for sprinkling of water on roads inside and outside Dock Area for a period of 2 (two) years at H.D.C. (2024-26)..19-Mar-2024
Tender Category: Infrastructure and Civic Facilities Division
Tender Date: 27-Feb-2024 14:30:00
Bid Open Date: 27-Mar-2024 15:30:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 377 KB
Tender Details:

Supply of 10 (ten) nos. lorries fitted with water tanks and Pump/Tanker with pump for sprinkling of water on roads inside and outside Dock Area for a period of 2 (two) years at Haldia, H.D.C. (2024-26).

Tender No.: I&CF/SDM/DOCK/T/1218

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S.No Heading Dated Bid Open Date Details
1 Addendum 1 13-Mar-2024 10:00:00 27-Mar-2024 15:30:00 Details