Title & Ref.No: Petty Miscellaneous repair works including plumbing and sanitary works at SMP, Kolkata Campus at Nischintapur, Diamond Harbour,Hooghly Point, Falta etc...04-Oct-2023
Tender Category: Civil Engg. Department
Tender Date: 04-Oct-2023 17:35:00
Bid Open Date: 30-Oct-2023 14:00:00
Tender File: Click To See...Image, 2373 KB
Tender Details:

TENDER NO. : RT/TN/23-24/09  Dt. 04.10.2023

Petty Miscellaneous repair works including plumbing and sanitary works at SMP, Kolkata Campus at Nischintapur, Diamond Harbour,Hooghly Point, Falta in South 24-Parganas District, Swarupganj in the Nadia District and Khejuri in Purba Medinipore District