Tender Details:

Print Version  
 Title & Ref.No:   Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of 2 numbers of Portable Fire Pump for use of Port Fire Service for KDS, SMP, Kolkata...15-Sep-2023
 Tender Category:   Mechanical & Electrical Department
 Tender Date:  15-Sep-2023 11:04:00
 Bid Open Date:  05-Oct-2023 15:30:00
 Tender File:   Click To See...image, 92 KB
 Tender Details:

Bid Number:GEM/2023/B/3748900   Dated: 14-09-2023

Supply, Delivery, Testing & Commissioning of 2 numbers of Portable Fire Pump for use of Port Fire Service for KDS, SMP, Kolkata

For complaints against corruption please dial Toll free number: 1800 345 3984
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