Tender Details:

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 Title & Ref.No:   Construction of paver block road along with drain from firefighting pump house near Berth No. 14 to HFTPL road via turning basin at HDC, Haldia..14-Dec-2023
 Tender Category:   Infrastructure and Civic Facilities Division
 Tender Date:  20-Nov-2023 16:45:00
 Bid Open Date:  21-Dec-2023 15:30:00
 Tender File:   Click To See...image, 672 KB
 Tender Details:

Construction of paver block road along with drain from firefighting pump house near Berth No. 14 to HFTPL road via turning basin at Haldia Dock Complex, Haldia.

Tender No.: I&CF/SDM/DOCK/T/1205

Date and Time for pre-bid meeting & site visit Pre-bid Meeting on 28.11.2023 at 11.00 AM at

the office of General Manager (Engineering), HDC, at Chiranjibpur Operational Building followed by site visit.

हल्दिया डॉक कॉम्प्लेक्स, हल्दिया में टर्निंग बेसिन के माध्यम से बर्थ नंबर 14 के पास अग्निशमन पंप हाउस से एचएफटीपीएल रोड तक नाली के साथ पेवर ब्लॉक सड़क का निर्माण।

S.No Heading Dated Bid Open Date Details
1 Corrigendum 1 12-Dec-2023 16:45:00 21-Dec-2023 15:30:00 Details
For complaints against corruption please dial Toll free number: 1800 345 3984
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