Tender Details:

Print Version  
 Title & Ref.No:   Supply & delivery of 4 Nos. of Heavy-Duty Batteries as per Bill of Quantities and Terms & Conditions of the instant tender document to HDC for Hydrographic Surveys by HPSU unit..11-Mar-2024
 Tender Category:   Materials Management Division
 Tender Date:  19-Feb-2024 16:00:00
 Bid Open Date:  11-Mar-2024 13:30:00
 Tender File:   Click To See...image, 85 KB
 Tender Details:

Supply & delivery of 4 Nos. of Heavy-Duty Batteries as per Bill of Quantities and Terms & Conditions of the instant tender document to Haldia Dock Complex for Hydrographic Surveys by HPSU unit

Gem Bid No:- GEM/2024/B/4603836

Tender No:- HDC/MM/OT-20/23/304

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