Tender Details:

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 Title & Ref.No:   Supply, Fabrication, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of Effluent Treatment Plant for SMPK Centenary Hospital at Majerhat....11-June-2024
 Tender Category:   Civil Engg. Department
 Tender Date:  11-Jun-2024 13:32:00
 Bid Open Date:  02-Jul-2024 14:00:00
 Tender File:   Click To See...image, 2404 KB
 Tender Details:

TENDER NO. :Rly/Tender/109/01   Dt. 07.06.24

Supply, Fabrication, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of Effluent Treatment Plant for SMPK Centenary Hospital at Majerhat all complete including dissembling/ re-assembling/disposing of not required components of the existing ETP

S.No Heading Dated Bid Open Date Details
1 Addendum-I 20-Jun-2024 18:10:00 02-Jul-2024 14:00:00 Details
2 Addendum-II 21-Jun-2024 16:50:00 02-Jul-2024 14:00:00 Details
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